The Real Talk Real Women show is a valuable resource for individuals who have experienced abuse or toxic relationships and are looking for support and guidance on their healing journey. The show features strong and powerful women who have overcome their own challenges and are now helping others do the same. Gemma Serenity has a diverse and extensive background in education and personal development. She uses her experiences and expertise to help others build confidence, self-love, and success in various areas of their lives. The mission of this show is to raise awareness about abuse and provide support for individuals who have experienced it, by making a positive impact in the world. https://www.realtalk-realwomen.com

Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Transcending narcissistic abuse to thrive, love, and connect with Sabrina Victoria.
Escaping the clutches of abuse and reclaiming autonomy isn't just a storyline in a dramatic film—it's a stark reality for many, including the remarkable Sabrina Victoria. Her journey of transformation is a testament to the grit and grace it takes to rise from the ashes of a life once controlled by a narcissistic partner. In our heartfelt discussion, Sabrina, founder of Her Nation, shares the tumultuous yet inspiring tale of her excommunication from the Jehovah's Witness faith, single motherhood, and the covert operation to save enough money to flee a toxic relationship. Her narrative is one of resilience, a beacon for all who may be struggling to see the possibility of a life rebuilt on their own terms.
Our conversation transitions into the equally compelling story of Sabrina's foray into entrepreneurship with Pure Aspirations, her health and wellness business. She candidly speaks of the challenges of nurturing a burgeoning online empire under the radar of a demeaning partner and the subsequent fallout when her secret success was unearthed. Her experience underscores the emotional and financial toll of navigating controlling relationships, while also celebrating the eventual breakthrough to independence and peace. Join us to hear how Sabrina's tale of leaving a life of material comfort for the sake of personal safety became her ultimate victory, and how she now uses her experiences to guide and support others along their paths to freedom.
Sabrina's bio
From a struggling single mom, to escaping a 13 year narcissistic abusive relationship, Sabrina’s tenacity and optimistic spirit has inspired fans worldwide and helped endless amounts of people break through and discover their own untapped talents and immense potential.
Now, creator and CEO of Her Nation and host of Her Talk Show. Sabrina is dedicated to giving people the tools they need to RISE and human better. Speaker, entrepreneur and author.
Connect with Sabrina
On her website: https://www.sabrinavictoria.com/
By email: 365@sabrinavictoria.com
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sabrinavictoriatv
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sabrinavictoriatv/
On LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sabrinavictoria/
On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@hertalkshow
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